Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a popular form of alternative medicine that focuses on using chiropractic adjustments to help relieve pain and improve overall health. Orthotics might be used in conjunction with chiropractic care, as they can help correct misalignments in the body caused by poor posture or injury.


Whether you are seeking chiropractic treatment for back pain, joint pain, or another condition, there are many potential benefits to be gained from chiropractic adjustment and orthotics. Some of the main potential benefits of chiropractic care include improved mobility and reduced inflammation.

By loosening stiff joints and realigning the spine, chiropractors can help restore proper function to your body and alleviate pain associated with movement. Additionally, orthotics can be used to control and minimize inflammation, which can help reduce swelling, joint stiffness, and other symptoms associated with chronic conditions like arthritis. A chiropractor on our team at CoreHealth Wellness in Dallas, TX, is here to help.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Another potential benefit of chiropractic care is that it can help improve your overall physical fitness. Our chiropractors may incorporate exercise into their treatment plans to help increase muscle strength and flexibility. This might not only help prevent injuries from occurring, but might also enhance your performance in sports or other activities.


Orthotics can be an important part of chiropractic care, as they can help realign the body and provide support for joints and muscles. They work by providing cushioning to sore or weakened areas in order to help reduce pain and discomfort, while also helping correct misalignments that cause pain or limit mobility.

Orthotics work by redistributing weight across the body so that certain areas bear less load than others. This helps reduce pressure on sensitive areas, such as the back, neck, or feet. By reducing this pressure, orthotics can help lessen inflammation and improve overall alignment. In some cases, orthotics can also be used to correct posture issues which may have been caused by poor form or injury.

In addition to helping alleviate pain and inflammation, orthotics can also help enhance performance during physical activities such as running or sports. Orthotic insoles are designed to increase stability through shock absorption when placed inside shoes. This can help redistribute force evenly throughout the body rather than concentrating it in just one area.

Visit Us for More Information from a Chiropractor on Our Team

Whether you are struggling with back pain, joint pain, or another condition, chiropractic adjustment and orthotics may be able to help. To learn more about chiropractic care and how orthotics can be used to treat your specific condition, give us a call today. Our chiropractors serve the Dallas, TX, area. Call us at (214) 219-3300 for CoreHealth Wellness.


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